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What's Your Salon/Spa Exit Strategy?

It's never too early or too late to plan: Where do you want your business to be in five or ten years? What do you want it to look like? How much in revenues and profit? Planning means setting a future goal and creating the necessary steps to achieve it. If you don't like to plan - don't expect a windfall when it's time to sell. Read More

Six Critical Lessons for Creating Salon/Spa Profit

Salon/spa profit can be a strange thing. You can fight and obsess to ensure your company generates profit, yet not see any of that cash in your bank... Read More

How to Write Off a Business Training

Continuing your business training is a must for any growing salon, spa, or medspa. In this blog post, April McDaniel, CPA with Kopsa Otte, shares how to reduce your costs by as much as 25% through tax deductions. Read More

15 Years of Monday Morning Wake-Up’s … Time for a Change

This blog post is more than a trip down memory lane and some milestone accomplishments, it’s a fitting reminder of what relentless determination, passion and “no-compromise leadership” can achieve. Read More

When Salon/Spa Owners Fear that Employees Will Quit

In this blog post, we’ll give you six proven strategies to overcome the fear that employees will quit so you can make the changes your salon/spa needs to survive and thrive. Read More

Salon/Spa Leadership is All About Behaviors

Here are four essential strategies to define and lock in the right behaviors for self-leadership, AND how to shape the right behaviors in those you lead. Read More

Quest for the Best Salon/Spa Daily Huddle

Struggling with daily huddles? Here's a 10-point hit list to make your daily huddles consistent, relative, and most importantly, producing results! Read More

What it Really Takes to Live Best Practices

Imagine if everything about your salon/spa was a reflection of “best practices.” In this blog post, we'll give you some important strategies to not only implement best practices, but to live them every day in your salon/spa. Read More

What Creates or Kills Salon/Spa Profit

I’m passionate about the work we do at Strategies, but passion doesn’t pay the bills.Just like your company, my company needs to be profitable. It... Read More

How to Make “What If We Went For It” Happen

Are you always thinking about ways to improve your salon/spa? In this blog post, we give you a five-point hit list to eliminate the big road blocks and begin checking items off your “what if” checklist. Read More

Turning Salon/Spa Net Profit into Cash

If you’re not working hard to create Profit and turn it into CASH – you’re cruisin' for a business bruisin'. Here are four rock-solid strategies to not only create Profit — but to turn that Profit in CASH. Read More