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INDIFFERENCE: When "I don't care" infects your company

Every company suffers from indifference. Without question, it is the single most toxic behavior that wreaks havoc on company cultures and performance.... Read More

LEADERSHIP: To be everything (including what you're not)

If you had to describe what your role as a leader is, what would you say? What's interesting about this question is that every leader will offer... Read More

Business is really about connecting with customers

"A place where everybody knows your name." That's the famous line from the TV show Cheers. Every time Norm entered the bar, in unison,... Read More

Is it time to take back control of your company?

Companies evolve. At any given time there are forces at work that influence the speed, performance and direction of your company - not to mention your... Read More

What does "working on your business" really mean?

"Are you working on your business, or in your business?" This working "on or in" your business statement has been bandied around... Read More

When broken commitments compromise trust

If you're in leadership, there is no avoiding the quagmire that results from broken commitments. I'll get the easy part of this discussion... Read More

A long walk in the right direction

A few days ago, I did a No-Compromise Leadership talk for a Chicago area Chamber of Commerce. The group was a mix of entrepreneurs and executives.... Read More

Employee Challenges: When do they end?

While discussing leadership responses to employee challenges at a recent Strategies seminar, a business owner asked, "When does it end?" The... Read More

Giving it all you've got!

It was a cold December night that I asked Bruce Hourigan, Strategies vice president of business development, to attend a special meeting with me in a... Read More

After the recession, ask the right questions now!

The question most often asked during a recession is: When will it end? It's the natural tendency for a return to normal - to business as usual.... Read More

Entitlement behavior is pure compromise

This may be one painful "wake-up" because I'm going to give a culture contaminating behavior that exists in your business a full... Read More