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The Pressure Test: Manage or Meltdown

Every business goes through periods of high stress. It’s when varying combinations of sluggish sales, tight cash flow, employee problems, productivity... Read More

The Pressure Test: Manage or Meltdown

Every business goes through periods of high stress. It’s when varying combinations of sluggish sales, tight cash flow, employee problems, productivity... Read More

Every system has an “On/Off” switch

I hate when stuff doesn’t work. When I open my computer, I expect it to work - I need it to work. When I get into my car, I expect it to start - I... Read More

Negotiation doesn’t have to be win or lose

From the time we first tried to wheedle a later bedtime from our folks, we’ve all been negotiating in one way or another.Salon/spa owners and managers... Read More

A humbling no-compromise decision

This is a story of courage and extreme generosity - of a leader willing to step up to help another. This is the story of giving the gift of life to a... Read More

Prevent and resolve conflicts for smoother operations

Put two or more people in a room and, sooner or later, they’re going to disagree. The more people and personalities you add to the mix, the greater... Read More

Making the most of your 'time slot'

Time is the most precious thing in our lives. Although time itself will continue to tick away indefinitely, for us mere mortals, our time is finite.... Read More

Standing ovations are earned - every day

As a public speaker, I can assure you, there’s nothing more fulfilling than earning a standing ovation. It’s not just acknowledgment of a job well... Read More

How does your salon/spa grow?

Growth is a topic on the minds of most owners and managers. Bigger isn’t always better, however. Growth needs to be profitable in order for a business... Read More

The 100-day dash to the holidays

Wednesday is the first day of fall. Yup, the kids are back in school and summer is coming to an end. Before you get lost in memories of those warm... Read More

Why success in leadership is a moving target

Consider for a moment that you’re exploring a new career opportunity. The job description reads something like this... “Candidates must be prepared to... Read More