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Two Salon Owners Share Their Reopening Experiences

As salons/spas begin to reopen, two owners share their real-time perspective on what you can expect, and what your reopening may look like. Read More

When You’re Stuck in Information Overload

It’s hard to believe that it’s already May 4th. Seems like just yesterday it was April 1st.For each and every one of us, this COVID-19 crisis has been... Read More

Salon/Spa Reopening Service Pricing for a New Reality

Is your salon/spa service pricing set to absorb the increased costs of the reopening process? In this blog post, we’ll show you how to determine your cost per hour, and how to set your service pricing to ensure you can still make money coming out of this crisis. Read More

One Month of COVID-19

Kudos to all salon and spa owners. Yes, the last four weeks have been stressful beyond words — but you’re still here. You adapted. You persevered. As we enter another week, let's take a moment to look back at the last four weeks, the hurdles you overcame and the questions that still need to be answered. Read More

How to Use the Paycheck Protection Program Loan for Your Salon/Spa

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) has been a hotly debated and confusing topic. In this blog post, we break down seven dilemmas and three "what if" scenarios, and why it is imperative to process and decide on the best use of your PPP loan. Read More

The Importance of Resilient Leadership During & After this Crisis

Making leadership decisions in times like these, is nothing like most of us have ever experienced.We can’t think back to yesterday to help make the... Read More

Why I Have Hope for Salons & Spas

We are entering a period of positive and profound change for the salon/spa industry. In this blog post, we’re going to give you the three reasons why we’re hopeful for what lies ahead. Read More

COVID-19: Keeping Your Leadership Head in the Game

Karie Bennett is the owner of the highly successful Atelier Salons in San Jose, CA.Like many tens of thousands of salon/spa owners in the USA and... Read More

COVID-19 Is NOT Going to Take Out Our Industry

Watching all but non-essential businesses shutting down is beyond surreal — like a nightmare you can’t wake up from.Where we are:For well over a week,... Read More

Salon/Spa Coronavirus Resource Links

e have compiled the following list of resources to help you be proactive and stay informed as we all work through the Coronavirus crisis. Read More

Salon/Spa Checklist for Pausing Operations Due to Coronavirus

Closing your salon or spa due to COVID-19? Here is a list of action items for you to start implementing right now in order to ensure your team and clients are informed, your physical location is secured, and your business is set up to operate at its full potential when it’s time to welcome guests back in the door. Read More