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The Importance of Resilient Leadership During & After this Crisis


Making leadership decisions in times like these, is nothing like most of us have ever experienced.

We can’t think back to yesterday to help make the best decisions today.

As leaders, all we can do is our best, and to look forward as we work through this trying time, planning for a better future.

The pandemic is something we can’t change. For now, we have to focus on tomorrow, and a time when we can put this painful experience to rest.

More importantly, we cannot focus on what we may lose or have lost. Instead, we must focus on what there is to gain.

We, as salon/spa leaders, must stay resilient. 

Resilient leaders:

  1. Are able to recover from difficult situations quickly, encourage teams to embrace change in difficult times, and provide the strong leadership required to help their teams through change.

  2. Are able to embrace chaos and continue making decisions while helping to create a sense of calm among your team and clients.

  3. Focus on strong communication to ensure others understand changes, expectations and new directions.

Embracing Change takes Courage and Requires a Positive Vision for the Future

Communicate Openly

Lead by example and communicate the impacts of the pandemic with your team and clients weekly. Openly communicate so that no one is second-guessing what might be. Relentlessly communicate what your goals are and how you will prioritize them.

Share Your Plan

Meet with your team through video conferencing and have an open discussion to help you understand their concerns and together start planning your recovery strategy. In my experience, it is critical that you ask your team to voice their ideas, showing them — not just telling them — that you care about what they think. In the end, you will have stronger initiatives to prioritize.

Resilience: Adapt & Overcome

A resilient leader has the ability to evaluate situations to achieve goals and build on the past to accomplish future goals.

You got this.


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