Shaping Your Leadership Style in Your Salon or Spa

The opposing force of strength is weakness. Everyone has weaknesses - things you’re not good at, things that get in your way, things that slow you down. And when you have to do something that plays to a weakness, you derive little, if any, satisfaction. You just want to get it done or you avoid it entirely. You need to be aware of your weaknesses and ensure that they don’t dial-down the potency of your strengths.
Consider this common leadership scenario: You have several major change-resisters in your business. Some are outspoken and always seem to have the ear of other team members. Others are more passive aggressive and give the impression that they’re onboard, but their actions, behaviors and performance tell another story. They resist change or new systems simply by not engaging - like a gas engine with a piston that doesn’t fire. It goes through the motions like the other pistons but it’s not contributing and saps energy. You’re the leader. You need to pull your team together and perform, but you’re up against some challenging forces.
Let’s say you keep pushing and prodding your team to perform. You have conversations with your change resisters. You see glimmers of hope but the old behaviors just keep coming back. You dive into leadership mode again, and again the old behaviors resurface. But each time you re-engage to get all of your team’s pistons firing in sync, your level of intensity keeps dialing back. Eventually, the change resisters wear you down, and you accept the current level of performance as “normal.” Your weaknesses, or as I call them, your leadership blockages, shape your leadership style into something less effective.
Those great leadership attributes that define you are still present; they’ve just been dialed down, or in some cases, sequestered. Consider these strategies to dial them up again or, if necessary, set them free:
- Retake control of your leadership style: What would it look like if you showed up to work as the leader you know you are? I’m not saying you go home as Snow White and return as Warren Buffet. You’ll freak your people and yourself out. I am saying that you show up as a focused, determined and accountable leader. Isn’t that who your employees need? Show up as the leader you want to be and leave the indecisive and timid leader at home.
- Step up to the opposing forces: If “fear of confrontation” and having long overdue conversations gets you unsettled to the point where you avoid them, you’re allowing your leadership style to be shaped in a manner that will only cause you continued stress and frustration. If you have a fear of flying - you’ve got to get on a plane and fly somewhere. If you have a fear of public speaking - you’ve got to keep getting up in front of people to speak. If you have change resisters on your team - you need to engage in open, frank and honest conversation to find resolution. Maybe they’ll get off the train. Maybe they’ll really get onboard and play with everyone to win. You never know until you step up.
- Get a business coach: If you want to really gain ground quickly, work with a business coach. A coach will help you define your leadership style and path - and hold you accountable to achieving your objectives and vision. We coach leaders at Strategies, and the area we put significant emphasis on is holding leaders accountable to achieve the results they want. Coaching leaders is tough. Strategies coaches are tough. Contact me if you want to chat at [email protected].
Yes, situations can shape who you are as a leader. The best leaders are the ones who learn how to shape situations to achieve extraordinary results. Which one are you?
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Neil Ducoff, Founder & CEO of Strategies and author of No-Compromise Leadership
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