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Team-Based Pay Experience | Oct. 6-7 | San Antonio, TX - Save $496 now!

August 9th, 2021 -

11:00 am - 3:00 pm EST

An Online learning event

Onlive | Intended for: Owners

Broadband Deep Dive Series: Company Performance & Growth Targets

In this final installment of our three-part Broadband Deep-Dive series, we get real about the growth potential of your company and the roadblocks that may be keeping you from achieving your goals.

And the best place to start is by diving deep into your key Growth Target Critical Numbers.


Because Growth Targets are THE most important numbers for predicting the level of growth, if any, you can expect in your company.

During this month's Onlive, we'll help you find, create goals around, and drive each of your Growth Target Critical Numbers. Remember, these are NOT "set it and forget it" numbers. They need to be tended, cultivated, and communicated. So you need a plan. We'll give you one during our time together.

We'll also explore how your team's past, present, and future behaviors create their opportunities. And they all collide in one small but impactful section that will be the final piece of your Broadband construction.

And what that section tells us is everything!

Join us for this final session of our 3-part Broadband Deep Dive, and let's...

  • Identify roadblocks and systematically dismantle them.

  • Create symmetry between your Cash-Flow Plan and Growth Targets.

  • Build accountability to keep everyone on track.

  • Stop wasting time guessing what we should be doing, and spend some quality time KNOWING and STRIVING and ACHIEVING!

No agenda has been posted for this Onlive yet.

No reviews have been posted for this Onlive yet.


Event Policies

  • Seminar cancellation for non-members: Cancellation within 14 days of the event, a cancellation fee of $250 per person will be assessed with the balance held as a credit towards a future event.
  • Seminar cancellation for memberships that include All-Access education: Cancellation within 30 days of the registered seminar event will result in $250 fee per seat.
  • Seminar cancellation for Basic members: Cancellation within 30 days of the registered seminar event will result in losing the allotted seminar credit from your Strategies Membership.