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There is no "Easy Button" for salons & spas

there is no easy button for salons & spas

There are salon and spa owners and employees that truly think the Easy Button is real, because they keep smacking it expecting things to get easier.

The formula for success never changes. If you want to be successful, you need to work hard.

For salon and spa owners,  you must want success ten times more than those you lead.


Because people step up, push harder and work harder for leaders that want success so bad they can taste it. If there’s a hurdle … find a way to get over it. If there’s a problem … solve it. If there’s an opportunity … go for it.

For employees, you must deliver results to the full extent of your capabilities. If your intent is to coast along and only deliver 75 percent of what you’re capable of … step up and ask for a 25 percent pay reduction. You’re not earning it so why keep taking it when other team members do the work you avoid.

If there’s something you don’t know or understand, take the initiative and learn about it. Figure it out.

You need to be 100+ percent committed to your vision of success. If you’re only 80 or 90 percent committed, you’re going to come up short. That Easy Button is trying to teach you a lesson.

This rant on what it takes to succeed is coming from a place of respect for what business is all about. It’s beyond making a living or making a ton of money. It’s about realizing your full potential simply by persistently testing what you’re capable of doing.

Here are some No-Compromise Leadership thoughts on working hard for the success you want:

  • Easy wins don’t build character: Cherish the memories of every hard-fought win. The easy wins fade as quickly as they came. Hitting goal by overcoming a setback evokes feelings of pride and accomplishment that easy wins do not. Hitting your first million dollar year is pure elation. Hard fought wins solidify your team and culture. Easy wins feed entitlement, half-baked efforts and mediocrity. Go for wins that make you and your team stretch.

  • Stand out and lead out: Make your desire for success known to everyone around you. Not in an arrogant way, but in a bold and determined way. Stand out through your actions, deeds, determination and mutual respect for others. Take the lead rather than follow. Step up and take on tasks, projects and responsibilities that will challenge and test your capabilities. People take notice of and follow the doers and achievers. You’re the only one responsible for your success.

  • Adaptation is a process: Adaptation is about incremental improvement. It’s about digging in and pushing hard to accomplish a task or win. Every gain builds on the next. Your depth of experience and expertise expands. You become more capable of achieving goals and wins that you once thought were impossible. Only you can set a pace that’s right for you. Just set it at a level that persistently challenges you to get better. Success adaptation has no use or need for the Easy Button.

  • Slackers and complainers: Some people work very hard at avoiding work and complaining about damn near everything. They live in world of entitlement. They are always looking for an audience to spew their toxic waste to. Yes, they are everywhere. But you don’t need to hang around them because they will simply sap your energy and pull you off course. You don’t need to keep them on payroll. Why pay people that want to do the least amount of work? Why pay people that spend more time complaining about the company that keeps paying them to be a slacker? No-compromise leaders focus on the doers and achievers. They have no tolerance for people that excel at milking the clock.

  • Success is not a solo act: All successful people have mentors along the way that help hone their skills, show them a better path and believe in them when they don’t. Success is every bit influenced by those who surround and influence you. Allow yourself to be coachable. Allow yourself to hear and process feedback and constructive criticism. Allow yourself to be open to other points of view. Be protective of who you allow into your inner circle because they will see you at your best and support you at your worst. You can’t succeed alone.

  • Teamwork means “no losers”: There is nothing good about achieving wins and success on the backs of others. True teamwork is hard work. True teamwork is about reaching out to help other team members keep up. If you desire to be a truly successful leader, do everything you can to ensure that all team members experience the taste of the wins and successes they too fought hard to achieve.

Here’s my challenge to you: List the all the easy stuff you have on your plate and replace half of it with meaningful tasks and projects that will challenge you to grow. Next, share this MMWU with your team and have a group discussion on replacing the easy busy stuff with stuff that will make the team stretch and grow. Pick three goals and set deadlines. Push hard, work hard and get the wins.

Strategies Incubator Seminar - October 16-19, 2016



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