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Team-Based Pay Experience | Oct. 6-7 | San Antonio, TX - Save $496 now!

April 3rd, 2022 - April 5th, 2022

11:00am - 5:00pm EST

An Online learning event

Online Seminar | Intended for: Service Providers

Solo to Team - Online

$895 per person

"I've been working by myself, but now I'm ready to hire a team and grow my own company. But I want to do it right."Sound familiar?If you're currently working independently — either in a rental suite, sole proprietorship, or just feeling stranded in a commission environment — and are ready to branch out, you're not alone. In fact, this situation has become one of the most commonly-requested talking points during free strategy sessions booked through our website.But as exciting as it is, beginning the path to owning a business and leading a team can also feel overwhelming. You have to...
  • Find a location

  • Hire a qualified team

  • Purchase equipment

  • Create the right systems, culture, and procedures

This is serious stuff!!Unfortunately, far too many aspiring owners leap into the game ill-prepared..That's exactly why you don't want to miss "Solo to Team", our new three-day training designed to walk you through every step of getting your new business off the ground and running quickly and efficiently.We'll dive deep into:
  • Financial projections to give you a feel for your potential

  • Benchmarks to shoot for when planning for growth & longevity

  • Developing a team culture and brand as you build your company

  • Starting with a clear vision and keeping on that track

  • Building profitability into your plan

Oh, and leadership? That's your job now! We'll help you to start developing those skills now, so that you progress into an inspiring leader that is:
  • Relatable

  • Available

  • Positive

  • Sacrificing

  • Realistic

We'll also help you create a detailed plan for hiring a rock star team:
  • When should you hire?

  • How many team members do you need?

  • What can I afford to pay?

  • How do I communicate their growth path?

Most importantly, we'll also share invaluable tips on how to fulfill the needs and desires of potential team members when it comes to:
  • Scheduling

  • Leadership

  • Education

  • Compensation

  • Team Life

  • Benefits

  • Stewardship

The journey from Solo to Team can be the most rewarding you have ever taken — if you are properly prepared.Secure your seat(s) now, and don't miss this opportunity to start building the company of your dreams with a solid foundation for success!

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Event Policies

  • Seminar cancellation for non-members: Cancellation within 14 days of the event, a cancellation fee of $250 per person will be assessed with the balance held as a credit towards a future event.
  • Seminar cancellation for memberships that include All-Access education: Cancellation within 30 days of the registered seminar event will result in $250 fee per seat.
  • Seminar cancellation for Basic members: Cancellation within 30 days of the registered seminar event will result in losing the allotted seminar credit from your Strategies Membership.
  • For all online trainings, once access links and/or course materials are distributed (typically 7-10 days prior to training), full tuition is non-refundable. Training allocation credits for Strategies Members are not transferable or refundable at that point, as well.

There are no additional dates for the year.