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Salon/Spa Scoreboards: Getting Everyone on the Same Page

At the top of every salon/spa owner's wish list is, "how do I get everyone on the same page?" The only truly effective way to get everyone on that elusive same page is to have them all looking at that same page ... at the same time.

For years, I've listened to owners say, "scoreboards and huddles won't work." The excuses range from work schedules that are all over the place to an outright fear and/or refusal to share the salon/spa's true revenue goal for the month.

  • It’s like they want everyone to work really hard together for a goal that’s hidden behind a curtain.

  • Others only want to give individual goals in hopes that it all adds up to a company win. But that’s nothing more than growing columns on the appointment book ... not growing a dynamic team-based company.

A simple information-flow acid test

Take a walk around your salon/spa and randomly ask employees if they can tell you what the goal is for the current month and what the progress is to goal? Chances are, you’ll see just how underpowered and inadequate your information-flow system is.

One of our best coaching clients did just that to test his systems and was shocked. When he asked some employees in the break room what some of the numbers on the scoreboard meant, they didn’t know. This is a business that has been doing daily huddles and scoreboards for years. It was a wake-up call that their information flow systems needed beefing up.

FACT: Information flow in a salon/spa must be fast, furious and relentless ... every day. For the business to grow, and for teams to work effectively, information must flow to everyone at every level.

I’m not talking about meeting once every month or so ... I’m talking about daily updates on scoreboards that communicate the goal for the month, status to goal and what needs to be done that day.

  • It’s about progress, wins, challenges and team success stories.

Four scoreboard/huddle don’ts to avoid

Don’t Number One: Don’t expect to get everyone on the same page by making a grand presentation at an all-staff meeting and then just follow it up with a few emails. Think of a war room at the Pentagon with its constant inflow and outflow of real-time data. Want to win a war? Then your information and intelligence ... your information-flow system ... must be up to the task.

Don’t Number Two: Don’t bother doing scoreboards if you are not committed to doing daily huddles ... and if necessary ... multiple huddles every day. A scoreboard hanging in the breakroom without a huddle is essentially invisible. If you don’t care enough to explain it ... why should anyone read it?

Don’t Number Three: Never ... ever ... fail to update your scoreboard each day or miss a daily huddle. An outdated scoreboard and/or missed huddle communicates to every team member that you’re not serious.

Don’t Number Four: Leaders need to be at huddle. If you’re starting huddles in your salon/spa, you need to be on time and present for every huddle. If you want huddles to be taken seriously ... show up ... and show how important huddles are to your company.

Information flow brings understanding and clarity to groups of people. It eliminates the “but I thought...” or, “I didn’t know...” excuses that occur when a salon/spa engages in a major change or growth initiative. Scoreboards are a must.

You must be able to answer these key scoreboard/huddle implementation questions:

  • Who will design your scoreboards? You can make them fun or just blow up an Excel file.

  • Who will update scoreboards daily? If not you ... than who? Accountability to keeping the scoreboard up-to-date is a non-negotiable.

  • Where will you strategically place scoreboards so all employees can watch the action and keep score? Sure, the break room is a good place ... as long as it’s front and center for all to see. The scoreboard can move to the huddle location ... but it must be back in its place of prominence immediately after.

  • Where and what time will daily team huddles take place? Huddles must be held at the same location at the same time every day. If you need to do multiple huddles, then the location and time for secondary huddles must be etched in stone as well.

  • What’s the hit list of key information that will be communicated at huddles? Huddles are fast updates and information sharing. Five to ten minutes max. Huddles are not meetings. Huddle topics should be consistent and focused on status and what needs to happen that day. Add fun stuff if you need to ... but getting everyone focused and on the same page is the goal ... not entertaining your staff.

  • What are the non-negotiable rules for huddle attendance and behavior? If you’re late for huddle ... you’re late for work. Huddles should be done with everyone standing. No mobile devices. No doing hair or make-up. No eating breakfast. It’s a team briefing ... not a social session.

Here’s my challenge to you: Take the information-flow process seriously. If you haven’t been doing scoreboards and huddles ... and wondering why you can’t get everyone on the same page ... it’s time. It’s going to require your persistence and personal accountability to the process. If you’re experienced at doing scoreboards and huddles, use this blog post to measure how effective they are.

What to see TONS of real-life scoreboard examples? Head on over to our Strategies Salon & Spa Business Idea Exchange Facebook group and search for #ScoreboardRoundup, where we have owners post their scoreboards every single month!


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